User club presentation


The XXVth TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference has been a success. It was hosted by Cefas/CCSUS on 9th to 11th October 2018 in Norwich (UK). A website was put in place for registration and venue details:

In reaching its quarter century anniversary, the Telemac-Mascaret User Conference has proved
crucial in bringing together an international group of engineers, scientists and hydrodynamicists to share best practise and ideas for the development of this unique hydro-informatics software system.

All users, (scientists, engineers, researchers and students) were invited to attend or participate as speakers. Conference proceedings have now been published and are available here: proceedings 2018.

Finally, do not forget that individual articles from all proceedings can be searched and downloaded through the HENRY portal (Hydraulic Engineering Repository):


Header v2

The XXIVth TELEMAC-MASCARET conference organized by the Graz University of Technology in Graz (Austria) on the 17th-20th October 2017. A preceding workshop was also organized in the afternoon of 17th and forenoon of 18th October. The conference started in the early afternoon 18th October and ended in early afternoon 20th October.

The conference articles are published under a conference proceedings
available through the following link: XXIV TUC-2017 Procedings



The 23rd TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference was organised by CEREMA in Paris between the 11th and 13th October 2016, with the first day being a demonstration workshop. The venue of the Conference was at Jardins d'Artois.


Navigation simulator

Above picture: CEREMA navigation simulator showing the Seine River and Notre-Dame cathedral on the Cité Island in Paris. The velocity field for the simulator is extrated from TELEMAC flow simulation.

The conference articles are published under a conference proceedings available through the following link: XXIII - Conference Proceedings.



The XXIst TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference took place in Grenoble (France), on the 15th, 16th and 17th October 2014, with a pre-conference workshop on Wednesday 15th morning.

Around 95 people registered for the conference. It has provided the ideal opportunity for all to learn more about the TELEMAC-MASCARET system, meet the Core-group members, fellow scientists and engineers.

During these 2 days and half, 39 presentations were made.

Download the User Conference proceedings (registered users only).




The XXIInd TELEMAC-MASCARET conference took place at STFC Daresbury Laboratory in Liverpool on 15 and 16 October 2015. The themes of the conference were as follows:

  • River and urban floods, coastal surges and tsunami waves.
  • River, estuaries, maritime, coastal sediment processes.
  • Waterworks, coastal structures design and sustainability.
  • Waves, tidal renewable and hydro power energy assessment.
  • Water quality, ecology and environmental impact.
  • Numerical methods, code coupling and high performance computing.
  • Data assimilation, optimization, risks and uncertainties.


A 2-day training workshop was organised on 13 and 14 October 2015. The training course showed all the steps required to simulate the triple coupling between wave propagation - hydrodynamics - sediment transport within the TELEMAC suite, using the HPC machines available at the Hartree Centre. The first day was used to set up the model, the simulation was run overnight, and the results analysed the second day.


Download the 2015 User Conference proceedings (registered users only).

The open TELEMAC-MASCARET template for Joomla!2.5, the HTML 4 version.